Excerpt from the speech given at the Winners Concert on March 26, 2022 by Dr. Wojciech Kocyan, President of the society.
“(…) We would not be here at this event if it was not for the inspiration we find in the life of the great Ignacy Jan Paderewski. But truly, to say that his LIFE was an inspiration is not quite accurate… we should say “HIS LIVES” because he seems to have lived many lives in one lifetime: as a world famous pianist, politician. statesman, philanthropist, great orator and communicator (in several languages), writer, music editor, composer, finally a great moral authority, and always an exemplar of human dignity, civility, humility, elegance and grace.
The two main roles that he played were that of a pianist and of a politician. In that second role, which culminated in him serving as the Prime Minister of Poland , he fought for the re-establishment of Poland as a free, independent country after 123 years of occupation by three powerful neighboring nations: Austria, Prussia and Russia. In his quest he was supported, in a fundamental way, by the United States. After Poland regained its independence and freedom, Paderewski spoke those words, in 1919, as part of the statement on the League of Nations: “Poland has set up a democracy under the inspiration of the American people. Had it not been for American intervention in Europe we might possibly have had some semblance of independent Government under an autocratic overrule, but with American intervention and American help we have sought to establish not only the independence of the State, but also the internal liberty of our people, through the difficult road of democracy”.
Those words unite the two countries which Paderewski was devoted to : Poland and United States , and unite the ideas which were evident to him and for which he stood; those of the right of each country to decide its future and of the freedoms and rights of each individual human being. We, as the Paderewski Society, are devoted to those truths as well, as we, at this difficult point in history, see yet another country fighting for its freedoms and independence and counting on the help from the others.
The changes in the world brought by the actions of this one great man whom we celebrate through the Competition in his name, were all founded on the wide recognition of his great artistry. For Paderewski it all started with and was made possible by music and the piano.
And so let me end by saying that we sincerely hope that OUR young pianists, including the winners of the Competition, will take inspiration from Paderewski and go on to change the world for the better, on the wings of THEIR artistry and future great fame.
Congratulating them once more, I wish them a very bright future.
Eric Guo won the 1st prize and the best performance of Mazurkas at the 2nd International Chopin Competition on Period Instruments in Warsaw, Poland.
Congratulations to Peter Toth, 1st prize winner of the 2nd American International Paderewski Piano Competition and jury member of the latest competition, for his sold out concert at Carnegie Hall. To read the review, click here.

The Paderewski Music Society
honors the legacy of Ignacy Jan Paderewski, the celebrated concert pianist, composer, philanthropist and Prime Minister who guided Poland to independence after WWI. Paderewski edited Chopin's scores for publication and is known as THE person who brought Chopin's works to light with his rousing worldwide performances in the early 1900s.
The Paderewski Music Society in Los Angeles, a Section 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, was established in 2008 by a group of prominent musicians and music lovers alike to uphold the legacy of the great Polish pianist, statesman and philanthropist, Ignacy Jan Paderewski, who throughout his life was deeply engaged in the promotion of music and culture and its all-important place in society.
Since its inception, in addition to having organized two international piano competitions, the Society has sponsored concerts, piano recitals, masterclasses, fundraising events and film screenings. The roster of world-class artists presented included well-established names as well as the most promising members of the younger generation and included Lee Kum Sing, John Perry, Piotr Kosinski, Hubert Rutkowski, Xiayin Wang, Andrew Yang, Zheeyoung Moon, Adam Wibrowski, Edward Wolanin, Peter Toth, Gloria Campaner, Dmitry Rachmanov and Wojciech Kocyan.
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Membership to the Patron Circle at the Paderewski Music Society is a great way to gain insider’s access to our events and competitions. By joining the Patron Circle, you will continue the legacy of Paderewski, the great statesman, musician and philanthropist and support the most talented young musicians around the world.
Seating for the concert and reception is limited. Become a member of the Patron Circle to reserve your seats.
An invitation and VIP seating with champagne for two to all four Soirees.